leadgolf with PC CADDIE as a booster for golf courses

Bild von Marc Spangenberger PC CADDIE, Sebastian Hochbaum leadgolf, Björn Held leadgolf und Frank Sommerfeld ebenfalls von leadgolf.

"Doing is like wanting, only more blatant!" This is probably what the three founders of leadgolf thought when they founded their company. Because their management consultancy knows no subjunctives. "You could do, you should do is missing from our vocabulary," explains partner Björn Held. Together with co-partners Sebastian Hochbaum and Frank Sommerfeld, they combine practical expertise from decades of experience.

Held and Hochbaum are successful golf course operators and managers, Sommerfeld is probably the most renowned owner of Sommerfeld AG, which specializes in course construction and maintenance. "We are convinced," says Sebastian Hochbaum, "that a lack of resources or shifting conditions can lead to golf courses getting into difficulties. Many golf clubs are overwhelmed by the variety of day-to-day tasks and need professional help: membership marketing, professional structures and efficient catering are often a hurdle to the survival of a facility. We analyze this in the first step of our service and can then tell the decision-makers in the club exactly what needs to be changed. And if the staff are not available, we can provide them.

The club software is also a central element of club management. Of the 12 golf courses that leadgolf currently supports, eight are already PC CADDIE customers. "This is an advantage in our consulting," comments Björn Held, "because PC CADDIE is a powerful software that can do practically everything. It is extremely agile and a master at building interfaces. Although this also means that you have to concentrate on keeping track of all the functions when working with the system, the digital support from a single source is worth its weight in gold."

PC CADDIE immediately recognized the benefits of close cooperation with leadgolf for the German golf landscape. "We form a booster for golf courses," says Marc Spangenberger, Managing Director of PC CADDIE. Specifically, the two companies are combining their expertise at an early stage: Marc Spangenberger comments: "leadgolf creates the overall concepts for the golf courses and PC CADDIE increases the effectiveness and efficiency in digitization. Our teams' knowledge of the supported golf courses, combined with the expertise from our databases, enables us to quickly implement the standards developed by leadgolf and thus achieve rapid success for the golf courses."

Björn Held summarizes: "The golf industry's potential for further growth must not be held back by a lack of resources at golf clubs. Our cooperation is an important encouragement for all German golf clubs. By joining forces and using PC CADDIE, we are driving developments forward and implementing concrete measures to help clubs overcome their challenges."


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Phone +41 41 5110600
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email info (at) pccaddie.com

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email support (at) pccaddie.com

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm

