The goal when programming PC CADDIE was, from the very first minute, to create a friendly and easy to use Golf IT software which combines all the necessary functions. We offer a variety of products and modules aiming to provide the maximum support for your business. Thanks to the system’s high flexibility, you can optimally enhance your installation at any time.
To our customers
Members / Guests / Tournaments

Package deals
Our premium package for golf courses. All the strong modules are combined in this offer: with your › Complex customer management you can organize your › Billing and Fee management, with the › Tournament, › Handicap management and the cross-tournament functions you can professionally cover all the complex requirements of the sport business.
Sports tournament package for golf courses without contribution management. With this package you can organize a › Simple customer management system for all the rules complying with the › Tournament including › Tournament general functions. Of course, the › Handicap management function is also included.
Management package for small golf courses without tournament management. This package allows you to perform a › Complex customer management, including the › Handicap management of your members and an optimal › Billing and Fee management.

Single modules
With PC CADDIE, you can already file the records of your prospective customers and first contacts. Save the address or the hotel address of your guests and customers, their bank details etc., to easily maintain personal contact. Families and corporate memberships are easy to handle.
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The lighter version of the PC CADDIE Customer Management package is the right one for you if you do not need to store the customer data for further processing.
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SMS service for the tournament and marketing costs: very popular among your golfers – you automatically send start times, flight information, tournament results or individual messages.
Service standards for good customer care and marketing. All information and documentation regarding your customers must be at your disposal - this does not only mean providing good services, but also saves a lot of your team’s time.
Begrüßen Sie Ihre Mitglieder und Kunden bereits beim Annehmen des Telefonats mit Namen und erstellen Sie nach dem Telefonat blitzschnell Nachrichten und Aufgaben in Ihrem CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System.

Contributions or sales management: you can book your annual contributions fully automatic, Caddy box or cabinet rentals, offset tournaments, entry fees, as well as consumption packages. Paying by instalments: yearly, monthly or individually – is now easy to keep track of everything.
Particularly important for professional profit centres: you can have any number of accounts for each customer. This way, you can separate the club’s sales from the operating company’s sales, or set credit limits for restaurant and pro shop.
Invoices can be sent via email as PDF attachments, using the customer’s design: this is what your customers expect, and there are no time consuming postage procedures! You don’t have to wait for all the time-consuming steps of the physical shipment. Forwarding as PDF is also optimal for auditing and checking.
Accurate monthly account reports thanks to data transfer. The debtors’ turnover of your golf course is processed particularly simple and efficient, as PC CADDIE helps with your financial accounting.
Invoices and coded payment slips printed in one single process. The automatic posting of the electronic invoicing in accordance with bank file system makes it easy for you to charge the debtors.
This module calculates all relevant statistical values, both for the entrepreneurial company comparison of the German Federal Association of Golf Courses (BVGA) and for the company comparison of the German Golf Association (DGV).
PC CADDIE helps with corporate matters. From your sales and receipt data, such as green fee sales, pro shop, catering, club contributions, tournaments, booked rounds of golf or balls' purchases: this analysis tool provides meaningful reports and supports you with answering important company questions.

PC CADDIE implements the handicap record sheet for all EGA rules and takes into account the requirements of ASG, DGV, ÖGV, and FLG. This is the best master sheet management that you can wish for, with meaningful printing possibilities: EDS score cards, CR-tables, lap and handicap statistics.
The intranet data exchange with the local golf associations is easy to use, and of course, secure and fully integrated. The annual updates of the PC CADDIE guarantees to meet the annual adjustments of the golf associations’ specifications.
PC CADDIE masters the gaming and betting regulations, and has your back for all possible game styles. It includes all game modes and methods of counting, also mixed forms – so anything is possible! Clear printouts with the push of a button, rapid compilation and modification of the lists – everything is fast and easy!
You can manage your open golf tournament week and similar events: distributed over several locations, on several days. Multi-tournament registrations, lists of participants for golf weeks, eclectic-year evaluations, place statistics – everything is possible.
PC CADDIE is perfectly suitable for team competitions. Teams and team members are easily and automatically compiled and evaluated. Pro-Ams and various other games, or a combination of different forms of playing (for example, four ball and singles matches) - are manageable with this golf software module.
Attractive annual prize tournaments enrich your gaming experience and bring more sponsors! The winner of a Jeweller-Trophy or the winner of a men's golf travel: from different individual tournaments, with freely selectable ratings or points allocation methods, for various people and price ranges - PC CADDIE calculates who is the annual award winner.
A powerful organizational tool: for planning, booking and payment Whether an introductory course, a license application, a trainer, a golf event or a meeting room - you have everything in sight.
The recorded tournament result scores will be sent directly to the screens in the clubhouse, restaurant or on the court, so that your guests will always know who is leading.
Everything about the tournament ://online on your club website. With the online tournament bookings you don’t have to perform the same task twice anymore. The real-time application is a reality. All applications are automatically registered in the tournament. A photo and a small text can be transmitted to your website without any programming knowledge, after the tournament.
The best golf tournaments of the year with Live Scoring ://online and present. Make your gaming event an exceptional golfing experience. We medially accompany your club championships, a sponsor tournament or the international association tournament.
Reception / Pro shop / Restaurant / Hotel

From booking and invoicing to turnover statistics: all customer-related operations with our fully integrated, user-friendly cash register program.
All green fee bag tags, including scorecards, can be automatically and quickly booked from the person in charge or at the cash register, by the simple push of a button.
Our products merchandise management, including barcode labels and inventory functions, provides a robust stock overview of your pro shop. The central administration of multiple shops is facilitated by our Multi-store management system.
PIN-protected Online-Clearing for debit and credit cards, fully integrated in the cash-payment process. The overall account balance and the daily balance perfectly match the information from the payment terminals.
Member, customer and family-related gastronomic checkouts can be performed only with our system. Even consumption packages, partial credit payment, and outstanding payments are easily accounted for, and consistently managed.
Our mobile gastronomic checkout by the waiter, for faster service and billing.
"Charge it on the room, please!" it is very easy to fulfill this wish of your hotel guests. The green fee, restaurant or pro shop bills can now be transferred directly to the hotel using the PC CADDIE checkout. Our FIAS / MICROS-FIDELIO®, Amadeus-Hogatex® and WINHOTELMX® connection is a standard interface supported by several other hotel software vendors.
Just the right thing for your fine, little, golf hotel. From booking and room reservations, check-in or check-out, to billing - a complete solution, fully integrated as an extension of your PC CADDIE golf software.
Golf course & golf school

Reservation systems
Fast and flexible to the right place, at the right time: our booking system includes starting time offers, training lessons and courses. Well planned and everything is included in the system.
The professional real-time booking system, fully integrated into your own website - this 24/7 support available for members and guests rounds-up your services offer. It will free up your phone line – while the pros personally teach their students, the on-line reservation system takes care of more customers.
Screens & Terminals
Therefore your clubhouse with all its functions of login, logout, and other individual functions is available around the clock.
Everything displayed on one screen: information about location, competition, start and result lists, weather, news, and pictures – Full HD in the clubhouse or outdoor.
Range & Carts

You can set the privileges granted to your members and guests using a smart card or a transponder: you can limit the entrees to club rooms and set different conditions, for example, the conditions of using the ball or drinks machines. You can also offer your members the cashless payment method, using only their “good name” and the card; this payment method is also available in your pro shop and restaurant.
Simple and off line. This solution is ideal for smaller clubs, which often only want to use a ball machine for their club members, or for which it is difficult to connect the machine to the network.
Our fully integrated Cart management supports your caddy master with the cart rental. You offer the customer the opportunity to be assigned to a ready-to-go cart, simply using his smart card at an ATM with an online connection. You could even have a master radio key made for particular customers, with individually adjustable validity.
* All prices are net prices and subject to value added tax at the statutory rate. The basic module is a prerequisite for installing an additional module or an extension; only this way we can guarantee the overall functionality of the software. We will gladly make you an offer.
Please consult our general terms and conditions, which you can view and download here: › Terms and Conditions, international or contact us for more details. PC CADDIE is a registered trademark and product of PC CADDIE AG, Switzerland. Errors and omissions excepted.
¹ These services are PC CADDIE://online products and are provided, maintained and billed through our partner, the PC CADDIE://online GmbH & Co., limited partnership.