On 01 January 2024, Switzerland will change its VAT rates. In today's Tips & Tricks workshop, we have explained to you in Swiss German how to bring your products up to the new tax rate. You can now find the recording of the workshops online in our media library as usual.
However, for technical reasons, please open the link via your internet browser and not directly via the Infodesktop. Here you can find the recording: https://www.pccaddie.de/mediathek/tipps-tricks-workshops.html.
You can also find more information about the described functions in the PC CADDIE-DokuWiki: https://doku.pccaddie.com/doku.php?id=en:umsaetze:jahresabschluss:mehrwertsteuerumstellung
And more information about the VAT changeover in general has the Swiss Confederation: https://www.estv.admin.ch/estv/en/home/value-added-tax/vat-rates-switzerland.html
In the first two weeks of November, the Tips & Tricks workshop will be cancelled due to the All Saints' Day holiday in Germany as well as due to the "Annual Invoices for Users" power seminar.