Due to profound structural changes, your PC CADDIE program will take more time to index additional database fields and reorganize the renewed databases.
Depending on the amount of data, you have to expect the update to take between 30 and 60 minutes. Please note this waiting time. The optimal way is to carry out the update after office hours or on quieter days at the beginning of the week; start it at one workstation first while all other PC CADDIE stations are closed. Please do not start the update during regular daily business hours!
- Despite these temporal circumstances, the import of the update is already recommended in the preseason. For as soon as the annual update 2019 has been officially accepted, possible subsequent updates will be very quick.
- The acceptance-liable DGV regulations, such as maximum score in Stroke play/maximum score - are not yet included. As soon as these are released by the DGV, you will be able to switch to the certified PC CADDIE 2019 version and use it with a quick update