Test customers wanted for POS system message!

Nahaufnahme einer Person, die auf einen Touchscreen eines Kassensystems tippt. Gesucht werden Testkunden für die Mitteilungspflicht gemäß §146a AO für elektronische Kassensysteme.

Dear PC CADDIE customers,

Since January 1, 2025, the reporting obligation for electronic cash register systems has been in force, which must be fulfilled by July 31, 2025. To ensure that the reporting for PC CADDIE cash registers works smoothly, we offer a practical upload file for ELSTER - and are now looking for test customers to test the process together. The first three participants will receive our direct support.

Your benefits as a test customer:

  • Direct support from our team during the first upload
  • Early assurance of correct reporting
  • Optimized processes for easy implementation

Register now as a test customer: Registration form

Notification obligation for electronic cash register systems in accordance with Section 146a AO

From January 1, 2025, all cash register systems, including PC CADDIE cash registers, must be reported to the tax office in accordance with Section 146a (4) AO. The most important information at a glance:

Deadlines & obligations

  • All PC CADDIE cash registers must be reported by 31.07.2025 at the latest.
  • New cash registers purchased from 01.07.2025 must be registered within one month.
  • No exceptions: The reporting obligation applies to all cash register systems.

How is the notification made?

  • The notification can only be made digitally - no forms or PDF forms.
  • The "My ELSTER" portal is responsible for this , for which a separate access is required.
  • The declaration is made by uploading an XML file, which is generated for each PC CADDIE cash register.

We look forward to accompanying you through the process as a test customer.

Your PC CADDIE team

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at) pccaddie.com

Support in Germany
Phone +49 2642 9854110
Fax +49 2642 9854199
email support (at) pccaddie.com 

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm


Contractual partner

PC CADDIE Service GmbH
Marktstrasse 45-47
53424 Remagen

Phone +49 2642 9854110
Fax +49 2642 9854199
email info (at) pccaddie.com

PC CADDIE://online
GmbH & Co. KG

Stubber Weg 39
23847 Pölitz

Phone +49 2642 9854120
Fax +49 2642 9854169
email info (at) pccaddie-online.de

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at) pccaddie.com

Support in Austria
Phone +43 1 355667788
Fax +43 1 355667799
email support (at) pccaddie.at

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm


Contractual partner

Rudolf-von-Alt-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

Phone +43 13 55667788
Fax +43 13 55667799
email info (at) pccaddie.at

PC CADDIE://online
GmbH & Co. KG

Stubber Weg 39
23847 Pölitz

Phone +49 2642 9854120
Fax +49 2642 9854169
email info (at) pccaddie-online.de

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at) pccaddie.com

Support in Switzerland
Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email support (at) pccaddie.com

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm

