The best service for your hotel guests
"Charge it on the room, please!" it is very easy to fulfill this wish of your hotel guests. The green fee, exercise balls from the ball machine, a Cola from the vending machine or the restaurant bill can now be transferred directly to the hotel and charged on the room. Improve your professional hotel software with our PC CADDIE golf software, and you can sell laced golfing vacation packages, without losing sight of the packages' contents.
"Perfect integration of the Golf unit with the hotel, controlling, restaurant, Pro shop, online-, screen and app - in the international golf software segment this is only available from PC CADDIE."
Petros Tourgaidis, Director Golf Costa Navarino
Fidelio standard interface to hotel booking systems:
- Amadeus-Hogatex®
- Other manufacturers for which this interface can be provided: on request
- Exchange of cash bookings between golf and hotel sales area (for example, for green fees)
- Exchange of automatic bookings between golf and hotel sales area (for example, at ball machine used with association ID or guest ID card)
- Timely charged of the hotel guests' expenses on the room
- Hotel interfaces for several hotels can be simultaneously configured
- Customer management Financial, Cash register program
- For hotel software providers: the interface to PC CADDIE must be provided. Please calculate these costs additionally.
We are here for you.
* All prices are net prices and subject to value added tax at the statutory rate. The basic module is a prerequisite for installing an additional module or an extension; only this way we can guarantee the overall functionality of the software. We will gladly make you an offer.
Please consult our general terms and conditions, which you can view and download here: › Terms and Conditions, international or contact us for more details. PC CADDIE is a registered trademark and product of PC CADDIE AG, Switzerland. Errors and omissions excepted.